Fall Tree Care in Colorado
The transition to fall is approaching! This means you may be home wondering about Fall tree care in Colorado, including when to fertilize trees. Look no further, because Fall is the best time to fertilize your trees. For example, Fall tree care in Colorado means implementing a deep root fertilization program. And providing your trees with the nutrients they need now will help ensure they get the best possible start in the spring.
Deep Root Fertilizing Your Trees
Deep root fertilization is a direct injection of essential elements to the root zone where they can be absorbed as efficiently as possible. If you are wondering how to fertilize trees in Colorado, our experts use a high-end fertilizer that helps with everything from iron deficiencies and photosynthesis, to soil absorption rates! We inject all the nutrients trees need deep in their roots, so they can mature gracefully.
Expert Tip:
In a typical urban landscape, we clean up and remove tree leaves each fall. These leaves are a natural fertilizer to the trees! Leave them to provide food for the tree during the dormant season
Expert Plant Care
For the trees you love, it is best to enroll them in a Plant Health Care program to make sure they stay healthy! If you are in the Denver area, professionals here at Environmental Designs can make sure your trees stay healthy and happy throughout the harsh conditions of our seasons. This program provides various services that are customized based on the trees you have.
Pest Management
We also offer comprehensive pest management solutions. Each landscape is different, and each type of tree requires its own unique plan to give them the most optimal growing conditions. Let us take the guessing out of this process and take care of your plants for you!
Learn the importance of tree maintenance and care
If you are still thinking about how to care for trees in Colorado, contact us today for a consultation with one of our tree experts! We would love to hear from you.