Commercial Landscape Construction in Denver
While Environmental Designs always strives to create low-maintenance landscapes that are both beautiful and sustainable, the Wells Fargo commercial landscape project was particularly appealing due to the client’s desire to create a LEED certified space. In fact, they were not interested in doing the work at all if LEED certification could not be achieved. The goal was to create a low water use garden with permeable surfaces that would provide a peaceful and attractive getaway in the heart of downtown Denver.
LEED Certified Landscape
The client was active in helping guide us through the entire LEED Platinum Certification application. Since the Wells Fargo Center is a very large building with many moving parts, the landscape construction just one of them, the client handled all the submissions. From the beginning of the construction process, EDI paid careful attention to moving, storing, and recycling used materials. As a service to our client and to aid with their Platinum certification, EDI created a recycling manifesto, outlining all the materials taken from the site and where they were recycled. At one point, EDI brought up the idea of using a local paver instead of the pavers that the architect specified. It was decided that the aesthetic of the pavers that were specified was more important than sourcing a local material.
Water Efficient Landscape
Wells Fargo has been a longstanding client of Environmental Designs. We were invited to bid on this work because of that relationship. Even though this was EDI’s first true LEED certified and sustainable landscape project, rose to the challenge and created a beautiful landscape that satisfied all the criteria. EDI installed an ET Water irrigation controller to ensure proper irrigation throughout a very diverse site. There are trees along the south side streetscape in full sun as well as an East facing courtyard with almost constant shade. The ET controller allowed EDI to dial in the amount and frequency of irrigation so that the streetscape isn’t under watered and the courtyard isn’t over watered.
Are you interested in a LEED certified landscape? Contact us to get started on your commercial landscaping project with a free consultation!